
Prof. Fanian Shi
School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, China
Speech title: Rare Earth Element Assisted Anode Materials for The Enhanced Energy Storage Performance
Abstract: Our team studied the electrochemical properties of new negative materials for lithium ion batteries (LIBs), especially the preparation of 3d-4f MOFs, explored the structures and lithium storage properties of LIBs. The combination of polymetal complexes, cobalt oxide and cerium oxide, cobalt oxide and perovskite (LaCoO3), and the influence of rare earth elements on lithium storage properties of the above series of composites were studied. The following three conclusions are summarized: 1. Under the same conditions, different crystal structures have a great impact on electrochemical performance, in other word, the higher capacity of complexes are with more stable structure with the help of rare earth; 2. Comparing with pure cobalt oxide (Co3O4), the electrochemical properties of Co3O4/CeO2 and Co3O4/LaCoO3 composites are greatly enhanced; 3. Cerium plays a stable role on the electrochemical properties of metal complexes and cobalt oxide, mainly inhibiting the decomposition of the complex structure and providing lithium ion transport channels to improve lithium storage performance.
Keywords: 3d-4f coordination polymer; Composite; Cerium oxide; Perovskite; Negative electrode

Dr. Benedetto Nastasi
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Speech title: Hydrogen R&D projects for Renewable Energy Community
Abstract: Hydrogen is getting more and more to the center of Research & Development projects as the energy vector to manage intermittent Renewable Energy Sources (RES), especially in systems with high-RES share. Innovative applications regard constraint environments such as Geographical Islands where the weak connection to the Power Grid and the strong seasonality of load variations pose great challenges to face. Furthermore, the newcomer in the energy field, i.e. the Renewable Energy Community, codified by the EU Directive REDII calls for clean, affordable and local energy for enhancing the self-consumption in the light of distributed generation. Within this framework, GIFT – Geographical Islands FlexibiliTy, a H2020 funded project, combines such challenges with the innovative Hydrogen solutions for new energy markets and related services like flexibility to support the energy transition towards the decarbonization scenarios. The R&D activities carried out in the demonstration site of Procida focused on the built environment contribution to the energy transition by implementing the hydrogen-based technologies.

A/Professor Farhad Shahnia
Murdoch University, Australia
Speech title: Role of Microgrids and Virtual Power Plants in Decarbonization
Abstract: Electricity systems around the world are experiencing a radical transition as the consequence of replacing fossil fuels, used for electricity production, by sustainable and cleaner energies. The growing penetration of renewable energies requires smarter techniques capable of handling the uncertainties of these intermittent sources. Along with this change, traditionally centralised power systems are also converting into distributed self-sufficient systems, often referred to as microgrids, that can operate independently. Virtual power plants are frameworks under which microgrids can be deployed within communities and enable energy transaction amongst retailers, customers and private investors. This talk will focus on the role of microgrids and virtual power plants in decarbonisation of the energy sector.

Prof. Fushuan Wen
Zhejiang University, China
Speech title: Roles of energy storage in sustainable operation of electricity market and power system
Abstract: With the ever-increasing penetration of intermittent renewable energy based generation, particularly solar and wind power, more and more regulation capability is demanding in modern power system operation. Both decentralized and centralized energy storage systems could be used to solve the emerging problems at least to some extent. A centralized energy storage system is generally of large capacity, while the decentralized one (such as electric vehicles) is commonly of small capacity. On the other hand, power industry restructuring is carrying out in many countries especially developed ones, and China is also on the way of developing competitive electricity markets. Given this background, the roles of energy storage in sustainable operation of electricity market and power system will be presented, with some specific application scenarios covered, including power system congestion management and fast restoration with the support of energy storage, bargaining and bidding strategies of energy storage systems in electricity market operation.

Prof. Md. Mahbub Alam
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China
Speech title: Galloping Vibrations of Structures: Energy Harvesting
Abstract: Renewable energy harvesting rapidly increases because of the recent research focus on the ocean and wind energy. The ocean occupies 70% of the earth’s surface, and water is 1000 times heavier than air. This abundance and high density of water make it superior for power generation capability over air. The ocean energy is present in two forms, i.e., waves in the vertical direction and currents in the horizontal direction. While the former is seasonal or dependent on weather, the latter is persistent. Energy can be harnessed continuously from horizontal currents by employing alternating lift force technologies. Fluid flow over structures (i.e., foils, circular, square, rectangular cylinders) produce alternating lift force due to complex fluid-structure interactions. The lift force generates vibration of the structure. Flow-induced vibration (FIV) involves different phenomena such as vortex-induced and galloping vibrations. The kinetic energy of a violently vibrating structure or structures can be converted into electricity, running a generator. This lecture will encompass energy harvesting from (ii) galloping vibrations of two circular cylinders of different diameters, casting light upon the mechanisms behind the galloping vibration and its sustainability, and (ii) free oscillation of an inverted foil.

Prof. Wenzhe Tang
Tsinghua University, China
Speech title: International EPC Hydropower Project Management
Abstract: Increasingly adopted by project participants, the Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) approach has become a favored hydropower project delivery system that combines the procurement of construction services with a variable amount of engineering services in one contract. By using the EPC approach, clients can expect a contractor as a single-entity responsible for design/procurement/construction, to achieve superior performance in such areas as early builder involvement, innovation, cost savings, reduced schedule, and enhanced quality. Compared to domestic DBB projects, international EPC projects are riskier in procurement, political, financial, HSE, clients, and design. These risks involve both intra- and inter-organizational activities, and this requires the contractors in EPC projects to possess competent capabilities in effectively dealing with a wide range of risks in complex international environments that involve various stakeholders. This study views EPC contractors as open systems that take input from the external environment consisting of various partners, add value to them in transformation process, then convey the fulfilled projects as output to meet the needs of stakeholders. With capability of providing value added products and services to the clients, the EPC contractors can further gain necessary resources to improve their competence in the global hydropower markets.

Asso. Prof. Gangtao Liang
Dalian University of Technology, China
Speech title: Pool Boiling on Mixed-Wettability Surface
Abstract: Aggressive miniaturization accompanied by high integration of electronic components have posed challenges for more effective thermal management solutions This significantly motivates researchers in thermal field to shift their attention toward two-phase cooling, to seek new thermal control techniques to tackle a great amount of heat dissipation in high- and ultra-high-heat-flux devices. The two-phase cooling is based on boiling, which is superior to single-phase cooling as it can utilize far greater liquid/vapor phase-change latent heat along with temperature-rise sensible heat rather than sensible heat alone for the latter. We studied boiling heat transfer on the hybrid-wettability surfaces, i.e., hydrophobic dot/stripe patterns fabricated on a superhydrophilic substrate. It is shown that the nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient for the hybrid surface is improved compared to both the substrate and plain copper reference, but the critical heat flux (CHF) on the enhanced surface is very complex. The pattern-to-substrate contact angle difference is also concerned: CHF for the hybrid surface increases remarkably with increasing the contact angle difference, but the nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient declines...