1. Conference Venue: 三亚凤凰水城凯莱度假酒店 (Phoenix Waterside Gloria Resort Sanya) Hotel Location: 三亚河东路555号,河东路与金鸡岭路路口(Hedong Road #555, Sanya Bay, Sanya)
2. Booking the room (预订房间) a. 中国作者: 订房联系人王经理 +86 13876345282 (姓名,房间数,入住人数,标准双人间/大床房,入住日期)作者直接电话联系王经理订房,说明是本次能源工程与环境保护国际学术会议(EEEP)的参会人员即可,380元/天(含双早)。 作者请在一楼中餐厅就餐(11月22日 会议当天 中晚餐) b. International Authors: Write email to Mr. Wang to book rooms: wangshuhong1688@sina.com (Name, Number of rooms, Number of guests, Superior Double Room/ Riverview King Room, Check-in Date) Please mention the conference name (EEEP2016 or the full name) when booking rooms. The fee is 380 RMB/day (including breakfast for 2 guests). Please enjoy the lunch and supper at the Chinese restaurant on the first floor (only on November 22)